Week 16 - That's a Wrap!
Across the 16 weeks that have spanned the semester in my social media for business class, my viewpoint on social media has changed. There was a gradual change over the strategies for how to market a business. There was a shift from questioning whether social media was worth the effort to a realization that it's necessary for a business to have some type of online presence. Not only have I started creating posts on social media with a shifting focus, but the way I use social media is also starting to change. I was only using social media to keep up with friends and family, and look for entertainment (comics, jokes, and interesting photos). However, I started following some businesses this term, and I also followed businesses in a similar field. I'm learning and borrowing ideas from other businesses. Two of the lessons I learned after expanding who I followed on social media were as follows: 1. Companies will promote a lot of special deals for social media users. 2. Social media...