Week 13 Part B - Rad Math Advertising

My course assignment was to create three advertisements for my fictional business Rad Math Tutoring. I wanted three ads that focused on slightly different pieces of the business and used different techniques (or tactics might be more accurate) that I learned from the assignments in the course.

Instagram Advertisement

Instagram is a very visual medium, so I wanted this ad to be colorful and aesthetically pleasing. My professor has given me constructive comments in the past about using bolder, eye-catching fonts and making a logo with stronger lines. I took her advice. I added thicker curves and tried to make the lines that separate the happy student from the radical sign more colorful and dynamic. The white background might be the next thing that I work on, but I'm contented with the small changes for now. 

                                  Before                                ðŸ Š                              After

I tried to follow some of the design suggestions from C.R.A.F.T.E.D. (refer back to the "Website Design" post). I chose contrasting colors and looked at alignment and spacing of text. I also tried to use an asymmetrical block that would mimic the path of the eye (from upper left and lowered to the right). In terms of content, there is a list of different services included, with a call to action to "follow us" on social media. The objective is for the students to follow us to receive those updates ad have timely access to our services. I tried to take the features that I enjoyed from The Math Guru ads. I liked their visual simplicity and the feelings of inclusion that their ads create.

Facebook Advertisements

The materials on Facebook advertising strongly emphasized video ads. I did not feel comfortable shooting a video with myself as the protagonist, so I created a GIF-style ad instead. The intent is still to catch the eye of a viewer with the movement and strong colors. The duration that each image lasts on screen are a little longer that the traditional GIF. That was done intentionally so the viewer could read the text and make sense of the third image, which is an online tutoring session. The objective here is to encourage students to make tutoring appointments with Rad Math Tutoring. I realize that a connection could be stronger if there was a live person or a voice over, but hopefully the viewers find the first image to be funny and identify with that feeling of being lost in their schoolwork. That common feeling should be what draws them to our services.

This third ad is trying to use two techniques mentioned during the reading and research process: use quotes and be a spokesperson for the company. The objective here is to make people aware of us and to have them follow us out main site, which is Facebook. For the fictional business, there would be a link from Facebook to the online appointment services, our content videos, and all the services Rad Math Tutoring provides. The advertisement is an attempt at an introduction, and hopefully sets the tone for the business: we're here to support students and fight alongside them.


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